Tag Archives: accessories

Happy Saturday to You!

Hello to you!  It’s so nice to be back talking to you after only a couple of days.  I’d love to make this a habit…  When I last wrote we were having strong storms daily and very humid weather.  After much rain throughout the week, we woke yesterday to many of the streets flooded in the Chicago area.  My daughter is now commuting to a nearby (sort of) college and had to take some alternative streets; she allowed extra time.  While out on my walk, there was flooding where I’d never seen it before.  This morning, however, it’s a different story–there is a definite nip in the air; I think we’ve maybe started the transition between summer and fall.  Truthfully, I’m not sure I’m ready, are you?

Some exciting (for me) news is that last evening, I added my first (since February of 2018!) one-of-a-kind doll ensembles “Blossomy Sprinkles”, to my available pages.

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Here is a little slideshow of the photos I took of this ensemble.

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I now host my website through WordPress, not GoDaddy, so it’s a bit different finding the sales pages.  I hope it’s not too confusing.  The individual pages will highlight if you bring your cursor to the Available tab at the top of this blog.  Click on the ensemble’s title and you’ll be taken to the sales page.  To purchase, please fill out the contact form (like before); I will get your form promptly emailed to me.  Because of the high cost of international shipping and insurance it is still my policy to only ship within the U.S.  My apologies to all my international friends.  I appreciate your understanding, thank you.

I know I haven’t talked too much about this, but in case you were wondering, my health and healing journey has kept me away for so long; I am now well.  It is so good to be back, creating and sharing with you.  I don’t think I will be creating doll ensembles with the same vigor as I was doing before, but I will try to have new things to show you on a somewhat regular basis.  Also, if you enjoy seeing ‘in process’ photos and/or photos from my regular ‘ole life please let me know and I will include more of those types of photos and posts.

I thought this comparison would be fun to show you.  Lucy is on the left modeling “Blossomy Sprinkles” and Alice is on the right modeling “Flower Picking” from 2016.

And, the little cardigans…

And now, the dresses without the cardis…

Hope you enjoyed those.

Have a super Saturday my friends!  And thank you so much for sticking with me throughout my long journey!

Oh, almost forgot to mention–I will try to be back tomorrow morning with photos of Gina modeling her new ensemble.

“Blossomy Sprinkles”

Hello to you, my friends! ❤  I hope you’ve been well.

Even though things are moving slowly around here I have two!!! one-of-a-kind ensembles that are all ready to share with you!  I am so excited to show you the first ensemble which is called “Blossomy Sprinkles”.  See the blossoms sprinkled all over this sweet fabric (Pretty Posies Collection) designed by Darlene Zimmerman?  The blossoms reminded me of cupcake sprinkles; hence the title of this ensemble was created. 🙂

 My “Blossomy Sprinkles” ensemble will be available tomorrow night (Friday, Sept. 13, 2019) at 7:00 pm CST.   (When it is available for sale the Available tab will highlight this ensemble; you can then click on the title to read more about it.)

For information on how to purchase and my shipping locations please read the Available page.

Meanwhile here are some preview photos.  This ensemble is being modeled by my precious Little Darling Lucy who was painted by Helen Skinner.

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I hope you are enjoying the month of September so far.  It has been quite warm and very humid in northern Illinois.  The pollen and mold levels are high and I am feeling the effects of that.  I love the beauty of autumn, but for me, autumn is the time when my outdoor allergies make me feel ‘not so great’.  My ‘cure’ is to stay inside where we have a heavy duty filter on our air conditioning/heating unit. 😉

Bye for now! ❤  Wishing you a great day!


Trying to Get That Fall Feeling & Some Thanks

After a week of 90+ temperatures here in northern Illinois, it feels cool this morning, and now finally, those cozy fall feelings can kick in.

Such strange weather we have had.  It’s been hotter in mid September than it had been during the entire summer!  And oh my, is it ever crispy out there.  I’m afraid the leaves won’t turn color; they will simply shrivel up and fall to the ground.

I received the sweetest gift for my girls, and want to tell you about it.  A couple of weeks ago, out of the blue, Carolyn sent me a Facebook message.  She asked if she could send me something she made for me.  Surprised?  Tickled pink?  Disbelief?  Yes, yes, and yes.  I felt all those things.

I really had no idea what the surprise was going to be.  Since I shared some yarn dying information with Carolyn, I thought maybe she was sending me a bit of yarn she had dyed.

When the box arrived, and I saw her return label and sticker, I thought “not possible”, but I must admit I got a LOT more excited to get the box opened.  It was packed with such care and included so many lovely touches:  little cards, a hand written note, bookmark, and even tea.  Finally, I opened the organza drawstring bag, and I think I gasped.  Carolyn sent me one of her hand made mohair bears!  She is perfectly sized for my dolls, and her name is Ivy.  That wasn’t all either, nestled in tissue paper was a peach velvet pumpkin which looked like Cinderella’s to me.  Well, yes, I think I felt like Cinderella too!

Carolyn’s gift was truly a surprise; I didn’t know Carolyn made bears.  What a generous gift, and I will treasure my little Ivy, and her story, always.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you, Carolyn! ❤

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Amelia Thimble had the honor of meeting Ivy before anyone else.

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Looking into Ivy’s eyes I can tell she has an old soul and a gentle temperament.  Whenever one of my girls needs extra love, Ivy will be there for them, I am sure of it.

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Alice was second to make Ivy’s acquaintance.

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Then, it was Patience’s turn.  The others are still waiting for their big day when they can hold and hug Ivy.  Soon, my dears!

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If you’d like to visit Carolyn’s beautiful website and see her other bears, here is the link.  BTW, she has a nice selection awaiting adoption.  Won’t you give one of Carolyn’s bears a loving home?  I think your girls would be “over the moon” with a new teddy to call their own.

Have a nice day, my friends.

From my girls, Ivy, and myself, sending you all some warm fuzzies.

❤ ❤ ❤