Tag Archives: Pukipuki

My Christmas Dresses are Ready

Hello, friends. With this season being so busy for everyone, me included–zero Christmas shopping and baking has happened so far!–I’ve decided to make all of my Christmas dresses available at once.  Tonight!

At 7:00 pm CST tonight (December 5, 2019) there will be five new ensembles ready for you–just in case you’d like to shop.  The details for each one will be located under the ‘Available’ tab above.  To purchase (7:00 pm or later, please) fill out a Contact form and let me know which one(s) you’d like.

Here is a preview of what will be available along with the price of each.  Priority shipping for the larger doll’s ensembles and first class for the smaller ones will be added.  For multiple purchases I will combine shipping, but may add insurance to the shipping cost.  As usual I ship to US addresses only.

frosty festivities 254

“Frosty Festivities” for the Little Darlings, $250

stripey and sweet 175

“Stripey and Sweet” for the Little Darlings, $230

an elf to help santa 208

“An Elf to Help Santa” for the Little Darlings, $240

holiday sweety 2 990

“Holiday Sweety” for Amelia Thimble, $95

bringing home the tree 2 237

“Bringing Home the Tree” (includes wagon and tree), $115

If you have any questions about these ensembles either before or after they are available for sale I’ll be happy to answer them.

I hope your having a great day! ❤

New Pattern, Snow!, and a Hello from Sugar

Hello there!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  I am looking out my window on this April 15th morning… Mother Nature, what are you thinking?!

spring snow 4-15-2019 389

It snowed all day long yesterday.  We ended up with 8 inches of snow–a lot for mid April.

My husband and daughter had some fun yesterday and brought this life sized snowman to life.  (Poor thing has already lost his eyes and mouth–he’s melting!)  But, look how cute he was yesterday!  They had fun!

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snowman 4-14-2019 385

In anticipation of the snowstorm we picked all of our daffodils Saturday night that we didn’t think would survive the heavy wet snow.  I’m glad we did as they really brighten up the house and remind us that it is indeed spring.

daffodils 2019 354

Dolly News!

My PukiPuki Sugar has a new dress/hat set.  She loves it, and wanted to show you–and also to say hello.

puki first roses 2 425

Her hat was one of the samples I knit from my newly published Amelia Thimble Hat Set Pattern.  The pattern is available on Ravelry.

Amelia Thimble hat set single pg cover

Below is a slideshow of past hats made using these patterns.  They each use tiny amounts of lace weight yarn, so you can use up little bits to create you own tiny hat wardrobe.

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Hello, Hello, and Hello!

Aww, it’s been oh, so very long!!!  I am sorry!  I’ve had so much going on with my health since September.  I’m not ready to get into it all right now, but maybe in the future or in little bits.  Not sure what I’m comfortable with putting on the wide open web.  I am healing and feel good right now.  Please add a comment to this post or send me an email.  (I added a contact form under the tab at the top of this blog.)  I’d love to hear from you.

Truthfully, I haven’t been interested in my dolls and creating things for them over these past months, so many other things to worry about.  It wasn’t until my website hosting expired two weeks ago that I started to miss all of this.  Trying to find a new and affordable site for my small business (which I didn’t), then figuring out how to get my patterns for sale on Ravelry and posting about that on Facebook.  Well, all the love and comments from that post and subsequent posts rekindled my love for creating and my dolls.  I’ve missed you all very much!

First up is getting some unfinished patterns (finally) finished and published.  I’ve gotten rusty at the process; there are quite a few steps, but I am trying.  Adding to my brain being rusty, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop are barely working on my laptop.  They’ve updated and are charging a subscription price now.  *sigh*

I want to wish all of you a ‘lucky’ St. Paddy’s day!  Here is my little Fairyland PukiPuki named Sugar looking as pixie-ish as she possibly could.  (Photo from 2014)

st patricks lettering puki 248

Bye for now. ❤ Sending you hugs from me.