My Favorite Season

Spring Magic
by Cicely Mary Barker

The World is very old;
    But year by year
It groweth new again
    When buds appear.
The World is very old;
    And sometimes sad;
But when the daisies come
    The World is glad.
The World is very old;
    But every Spring
It growth your again,
    And fairies sing.

Happy Spring to all those with me in the northern hemisphere. Happy Autumn to my other friends.

We have a day fit to honor this new season. It couldn’t be more beautiful–sunny and warm for March.

This past week was a slow week for me working on dolly things. I’m not sure why, just one of those things, I guess. I have a daffodil themed ensemble in the works for the Little Darlings. The dress is sewn and the cardigan’s embroidery is almost complete. After a few false starts embroidering the daffodils I decided to go with the style of daffodil embroidery that I did for Sugar many years ago. Here is a photo of one of those dresses. I loved these dresses for Sugar!

My Spring Garden in Mint for PukiPuki

I hope you get to enjoy each and every day of this new season. It is filled with wonderment and possibilities.

Hugs and 💕 til next time, my friends! 🌷

6 thoughts on “My Favorite Season

  1. Joy

    I really like Sugar’s embroidery detail. So springy. I’ve been working on a similar style felt dress, but the embroidery is very simple. Works for me though. 🙂

    1. Cindy Rice Post author

      Hi, Joy. Felt makes such cute dresses, and I love how the seams don’t need finishing–a bonus. Sometimes simpler is better. I’m sure your embroidery is very sweet and that the lucky recipient will be over the moon happy with your gift to her. Enjoy the first week of spring. I hope you have some beautiful weather. Thank you, Joy. 💕

  2. Maria

    Your work is so inspiring and so detailed.
    The extra steps you take really make a difference (Ive learned plenty.)

    Your work is such a delight for the eyes.

  3. Terrigirl2021

    Such a lovely poem to start Cindy! The daisies will indeed grow. It is a real bonus having spring time here in Minnesota! We are getting rain this morning and most of the day, usually it would be falling as snow. It is ok to step back and take a break from your girls , and then refocus, I give you permission! I love the spring dress with hte floral embroidery on PukiPuki, so pretty. Sending hugs back your way, Terri xo.

    1. Cindy Rice Post author

      Hi, Terri. Thank you for reminding me that it is okay to take a break. I forget that, and often feel bad for not continually working on my sewing and video making. It would be nice if my breaks were filled with positive ‘take a rest’ vibes and not negative ‘should be doing’ vibes. I think that would be much nicer. I’ve got to work on that…
      We’ve had rain too, and it’s been cloudy since waking up on Tuesday. This morning is pretty chilly and still dark and damp. Hoping for some sunshine later. Enjoy the weekend! I feel like I just said that to you! This week went by in a flash. 🤗💕


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