Monthly Archives: February 2021

Look What’s Blooming

Look what’s blooming in my winter garden! It’s Alisha in her new ensemble. Doesn’t she look sweet? I love these colors on her, rosy mauves and sage/mint green.

I dyed the merino wool for her cardigan in a pale cool mauve. I love the snug 3/4 length sleeves on her–they highlight her graceful arms and hands. Fluttery rosebuds are embroidered on the cardigan. (I started embroidering with fully opened roses and it was too heavy looking.)

I have a new studio vlog video on YouTube. If you like you can watch and see what else I’ve been up to these past days in February.

Wishing you, my friends, a ‘love-ly’ Valentine’s Day weekend! I appreciate all of you! Thank you for reading my blog and watching my videos. 💖

Rose Has Her First Ensemble for Her Wardrobe

Happy Sunday to you all! How are you? It is SO COLD!!! here in northern Illinois! Our wind chill right now is -20°F (-28°C). Is anyone else this cold, or colder? I am very thankful for my cozy and warm home. 🥰

I mentioned in my last post that I had completed Rose’s ensemble. She is so thrilled with how it turned out! After being neglected for so long Rose is one happy little girl, and has forgiven me. She’s such an angel.

Rose arrived in December of 2017. I made a couple of holiday ensembles that she happily modeled for other little girls to wear, then she went into hibernation. Until now that is! And this one she is keeping for herself. I hope to give her another very soon.

Rose’s dress is made with the fabric that you all voted on. Do you remember? Here is that blog post in case you missed it. This dress really does look sweet on her, and it’s extra special because you all helped with the creation of it. Even if you picked something else–that’s okay, too–you all helped! Thank you! Secretly, I liked all the fabric equally.

Rose is a 10″ Boneka vinyl doll who was sculpted by Dianna Effner. The good news is that these dolls are in stock and available at Happily Ever After, or at Boneka directly. You can change their wigs to give them a different look too. Rose is a Tuesday’s Child. I think they make cute little sisters to the Little Darlings.

Oh, I think I forgot to mention I published a new video on YouTube. It shows my progress on this ensemble and on Didi’s cardigan.

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. Stay warm… or cool, if you are south. Bye for now, my friends. 🤗💕

A New Sweater for Didi

Hi there. I hope this post finds you happy and well. I am writing to you from snow covered northern Illinois. We had two storms in the last 1-2 weeks which each dumped 8-9 inches on us, so it is a bit deep out there. My little dogs have a circular area which we shoveled for them and the wall of snow surrounding it is quite high. It is funny to see them in their snow arena. Yes, winter is finally here!

In the last few days I wrapped up two projects: Didi’s cardigan and Rose’s ensemble.

Didi’s cardigan is complete and on its way to Linda Macario. Before I sent it out I took some photos of Bethany wearing it since she is the same size as Didi. I pinned the fabric swatches together to make a skirt so that you can see how the cardigan will look with the dress. Here’s a link to Didi wearing the dress–photos 8 and 10 show the dress.

I am so happy with how it turned out. I hope Didi likes her first sweater. 😉

I’ll save Rose’s new ensemble for my next post. Enjoy your day today! 🤗 to you, my friends.

Are you doing any doll sewing or knitting today?